㈣ 系统检测等 ListDlls.zip (48.7 KB Handle.zip (124.8 KB)[/size]
Autoruns的使用教程:http://www.jcwcn.com/html/youhuazq/08_18_43_992.htm Autoruns8[1].73.zip (484.08 KB)④process monitor Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will make Process Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting and malware hunting toolkit.
其实普通用户没多大用,可以记录进程的所有动作 ProcessMonitor.zip (1.05 MB)⑤Process Explorer
ProcessExplorer.zip (1.55 MB)
⑥DTaskManager DTaskManager is, obviously, a Task Manager. It has been designed specifically to furnish a series of advanced functionalities above those provided by the Windows Task Manager, while providing all of the functionality of the Windows Task Manager. It also maintains a similar look and feel.
虚拟内存显示的数据有点问题,可代替系统任务管理器,杀进程功能很强大,分多个级别结束进程 Dtaskmanager.zip (151.2 KB)
⑦无驱系统检测工具无驱的ssdt检查,不用调权可以杀死大部份的进程。进程检查可以检查出一些隐藏的进程,具体如何大家自已试验。Wangsea出品 注意:在我机器上有bug
无驱系统检测工具0816.rar (236.83 KB)
⑧ESET SysInspector ESET SysInspector is an application that thoroughly inspects your computer and displays gathered data in comprehensive way. Information like installed drivers and applications, network connections or important registry entries can help you to investigate suspicious system behavior be it due to software or hardware incompatibility or malware infection.
SysInspector.rar (1.24 MB)
㈤ 反黑利器 ① RootkitRevealer Since persistent rootkits work by changing API results so that a system view using APIs differs from the actual view in storage, RootkitRevealer compares the results of a system scan at the highest level with that at the lowest level. The highest level is the Windows API and the lowest level is the raw contents of a file system volume or Registry hive (a hive file is the Registry's on-disk storage format). Thus, rootkits, whether user mode or kernel mode, that manipulate the Windows API or native API to remove their presence from a directory listing, for example, will be seen by RootkitRevealer as a discrepancy between the information returned by the Windows API and that seen in the raw scan of a FAT or NTFS volume's file system structures.
rootkitrevealer.zip (225.97 KB)
② Rootkit Unhooker LE Rootkit Unhooker LE.rar (85.24 KB)
③ gmer1.0.13 gmer1[1].0.13.rar (486.55 KB)
④ sreng2.5&分析助手 System Repair Engineer,简称 SREng,是 KZTechs.COM 网站站长 Smallfrogs 开发的一款计算机安全辅助和系统维护辅助软件。主要用于发现、发掘潜在的系统故障和大多数由于计算机病毒造成的破坏,并提供一系列的修改建议和自动修复方法。
在 System Repair Engineer (SREng) 的帮助下,可以自己诊断操作系统里面可能存在的普遍性问题,即使是计算机的初学者,也可以使用 System Repair Engineer (SREng) 的智能扫描功能将系统的概况生成一份简要的日志,然后将该日志传送给对操作系统熟悉的朋友或网友,在他们的帮助下解决您系统可能存在的问题。
1) 如果API HOOK检测中无法定位是由那个模块进行HOOK的,则会显示具体的地址而不是模块路径。
2) 如果API HOOK修复功能无法修复目前情况,请按照提示操作,如果已经更新到最新版本,请等待后续版本的改进。
3) API HOOK修复功能只修正当前System Repair Engineer (SREng)进程,如果修复以后再起启动System Repair Engineer (SREng),还是会看到提示信息。
4) 可疑文件自动提取功能如果发现有一个文件同时符合多个提取选项,那么只有执行的第一个提取选项会被执行,后面的提取选项会自动跳过。此举是为了消除冗余文件和降低总的文件大小和数量。
5) 在 Win 9x/ME下,受制于操作系统本身的限制,在使用可疑文件复制功能时,会将一些系统文件也复制出来。
6) 如果选中了复制可疑文件到指定目录功能,则扫描速度会减慢10%用于文件的复制。此时扫描进度条可能会停止在90%的地方直到全部扫描结束。
7) 隐藏进程检查功能对同一个文件同时隐藏的两个进程实例,只会报告一次。
10) 对列表内容排序以后,原本可能存在的高亮颜色将丢失。
11) 服务枚举对话框在高速移动选中焦点时服务名会有重叠。
SRENG2[1].5.RAR (1.07 MB)
SREngLog 分析助手1[1].3.rar (319.64 KB)
⑤ XDelBox1.6 Dos删除功能,说实话没用过这个东西,因为有下边的强悍工具一切都可以免了!
XDelBox1[1].6.rar (952.9 KB)
⑥ ICESWORD 估计是国内最出名的安全工具了,功能很强大,但没有wsyscheck方便易用,估计是pjf太忙了,没时间来修改
IceSword122en[1].part1.rar (1.95 MB)
IceSword122en[1].part2.rar (141.32 KB)
⑦ Wsycheck 同样是Wangsea的大作,作者基本上是每天更新,每天都在进步,和is一样强大而且易用性远远超越同类软件!windows环境下的删除功能没有is强大,但wsyscheck有重启删除和dos删除功能,足够强大了。他自带的说明可以好好可以看看。
Wsyscheck1203中文版.rar (1019.94 KB)
刚看有人好像喜欢看网络连接类的软件 其实这些软件太多了,is,wsyscheck,cports等很多很多
cports.rar (36.52 KB)